Sunk! The Court of Human Rights rejects the Pirate Bay's Complaint
Fredrik Neij and Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi founded one of the world's largest file sharing sites known as The Pirate Bay . They were prosecuted for offences under the Swedish copyright act ( UpphovsrƤttslagen , 1960:729) and in the same process sued by various record companies and other copyright owners for copyright infringement in the Stockholm district cour t ( TingsrƤtt ). After a hearing that lasted from the 16 Feb until 3 March 2009 they were found guilty of the charges and sentenced to a year's imprisonment on 17 April 2009. They were also ordered to pay damages of SEK30 million to the copyright owners. They appealed to the Swedish court of appeal ( ( Svea hovrƤtt ) which upheld their convictions but reduced their sentences and increased the damages award on 26 Nov 2010. They applied for permission to appeal to the Swedish supreme court ( Hƶgsta domstolen ) but that court rejected their application on 1 Feb 2012. On 20 June 2012 Mr. Neij and Mr. Kolmisoppi complaine...