Copyright: Primary Infringement - Communicating a Work to the Public

Jane Lambert Copyright is defined by s.1 (1) of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 ( "the CDPA" ) as "a property right" which subsists in accordance with Part I of the Act in original artistic, dramatic, literary and musical work, broadcasts, films and sound recordings and typography. A work in which copyright subsists is known as "a copyright work" pursuant to s.1 (2). The owner of a copyright in a copyright work has the exclusive right to do certain acts that are restricted to the copyright owner (see s.2 (1) CDPA). More importantly, the copyright owner has the exclusive right to prevent others from doing those acts which are often referred to as "restricted acts". There are two categories of restricted acts: Primary Infringement which I discussed in Copyright: What is meant by "Primary Infringement" on 21 Sept 2008; and Secondary Infringement which I discussed in Copyright: What is meant by "Seco...