Patents - Technetix BV and others v Teleste Ltd

Rolls Building Author: Basher Eyre Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Source Wikipedia Rolls Building Jane Lambert Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (HH Judge Hacon) Technetix BV and others v Teleste Ltd [2019] EWHC 126 (IPEC) (29 Jan 2019) This is another case in which HH Judge Hacon applied the reasoning of the Supreme Court in Actavis UK Ltd and others v Eli Lilly and Company 017] Bus LR 1731, [2017] RPC 21, [2017] UKSC 48, the Court of Appeal's in Icescape Limited v Ice-World International BV [2018] EWCA Civ 2219, and his own in Regen Lab SA v Estar Medical Ltd [2019] EWHC 63 (Pat). I have discussed those cases in The Supreme Court's Judgment in Eli Lilly v Actavis UK Ltd and Others: how to understand it and why it is important 13 July 2017, Patents Icescape Ltd v Ice-World International BV 11 Feb 2019 and Patents - Regen Lab SA v Estar Medical Ltd . 24 Jan 2019 . He also dis...