Trade Marks and Passing off - Easygroup v Easyway SBH

Saint Barthélemy Author Starus Licence CC-BY-SA 3.9 Source Wikimedia Commons Jane Lambert Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (Mr Recorder Campbell) Easygroup Ltd and others v Easyway SBH and another (Rev1) [2021] EWHC 2007 (IPEC) (22 July 2021) Saint Barthélemy is a small French possession in the West Indes. Easyway SBH is a company incorporated in the territory which runs a meet and greet service on the island that has included flight booking and arranging car hires. All its services are performed on Saint Barthélemy but it has a website in English that is used by travel agents and individuals from the UK. The company corresponded with enquirers who approached it through the website. Stephane-Michel Roche, the company's founder, director owner of 60% of its shares, estimated that between 200 and 250 of Easyway's customers were British and they constituted some 3% of its business. Despite their remoteness from the UK and even though all ...