Fairfax & Favor v House of Bruar

Falls of Bruar Author Yomangan Licence Public domain Source Wikimedia Jane Lambert Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (Miss Recorder Michaels) Fairfax & Favor Ltd and others v The House Of Bruar Ltd and others [2022] EWHC 689 (IPEC) (25 March 2022) In Design , I wrote: "In everyday language, the word ādesignā may refer to an articleās functions as in the design of a circuit, reactor or website or to its appearance as in the design of a dress, garden or piece of furniture. Obviously, the two are not mutually exclusive since the aerodynamic lines of a sports car or the span of a bridge can be things of beauty as well as feats of engineering. The law protects both functional and ornamental desig n." I added that the shape or configuration (whether internal or external) of the whole or any part of an article is protected from copying by a new intellectual property right known as ā design rightā and that new designs having individual character can be regi...