Pecuniary Remedies - Equisafety Ltd v Battle, Hayward and Bower Ltd
Horse's Eye Author Waugsberg Licence CC BY-SA 3.0 Sourc e Wikimedia Commons Jane Lambert Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (Recorder Amanda Michaels) E quisafety Ltd v Battle, Hayward and Bower Ltd 2023] EWHC 1821 (IPEC) (21 July 2023) and Equisafety Ltd v Battle, Hayward and Bower Ltd and another [2024] EWHC 283 (IPEC) (15 Feb 2024) I n Practice - Lufthansa Technik AG v Panasonic Avionics Corporation on 10 Nov 2023 I said that proceedings in the Chancery Division take place in two stages. First, there is a trial to determine whether the defendant is liable to the claimant, If the court finds that the defendant is liable it can order an account of profits or an inquiry as to damages. An account of profits is a determination of the profits that the defendant has gained from his or her wrongdoing followed by an order for him or her to pay those profits to the claimant. An inquiry as to damages is a determ...