Intellectual Property: Stephan Kinsella - an Interesting Critique

If you have 15 minutes to spare (which I don't really have but have just spent them anyway) you may like to listen to a podcast interview by US libertarian writer Lew Rockwell of a US libertarian IP lawyer called Stephan Kinsella. As you can see from his CV Mr Kinsella is a serious IP lawyer and a prolific writer. Interestingly, he has a higher degree from King's College London. Essentially his thesis is that IP is inherently obtrusive and requries the suppression of other legal rights. He seems to suggest that contract can provide effective proteciton and hence incentive for innovation and creativity.   I am sure that he will be rubbished by the great and the good but having seen the effectiveness of the US software and entertainment industries in the consultation on the implementation of the enforcement directive at the IP Office some time ago and having advised and represented a lot of pretty harmless small British businesses against some massive claims some US based software giants recently, it is refreshing to hear people like Mr. Kinsella from the other side of the Atlantic.


Thanks for the nice comments, Jane. More detailed discussion of these issues can be found on my libertarian publications page; see also my monograph Against Intellectual Property; and my speech and presentation, The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of Libertarian Creationism.
Anonymous said…

I’ve reviewed your podcast.

You are talking out of you backside.

I am hardly able to contain my ire hearing such drivel. Basically, you think that people who are able to create wealth and progress are scum who should bow down to the perpetual elite of the capital owing class.

I hope you and your family don’t ever feel the backlash of your backward ideology, I really do.

Anonymous said…
@Mr. Kinsella:

Thank you for your interesting statements in the mentioned book!

@anonymous: Instead of arguing you are just mean and unpolite. Is that part of your "intellectual property"? ;)

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