A New Justification for Granting Patents

The article seems to have stimulated some hostility around the blogosphere. The same reviewer who denied that Prof. Lemley was a patent attorney described his article as "a socialist diatribe". Having read the article very carefully and more particularly having lived under several governments by a party that once described itself as socialist I really cannot understand that particular critique.
Professor Lemley's article is in three parts:
- the first traces the history of a number of important inventions such as the steam engine, light bulb, the aeroplane and penicillin and finds that in nearly every case several individuals had very much the same idea at approximately the same time;
- the second examines the justifications for granting patents such as the arguments that patents stimulate R & D and the dissemination of scientific knowledge but finds fault with all of them; and
- the third proposes Prof. Lemley's own justification which is that patents encourage races between different teams working on the same problem.
Although I was bristling at Prof. Lemley's examples that seemed to suggest just about everything in the world had been invented by an American - television by Philo Farnsworth, for example, rather than by John Logie Baird - I agree with his general theory that technical progress is essentially a group process, sometimes collaborative and sometimes competitive, but always incremental. Every patent specification that I have read commences with a review of the prior art before addressing the technical problem that the invention solves.
For me, the most interesting part of Prof. Lemley's article was the last. His starting point was that any justification of patent law must jibe with the historical evidence which he listed as follows at page 82:
- "Invention is a social phenomenon, not one driven by lone geniuses. Inventors are working in groups, interacting with each other and building on the prior work of others. But even where they work independently, they are often working in parallel to solve identified problems or to improve existing technology.
- Central control doesn‘t seem desirable given the actual history of important inventions. Where we have given strong control to a single patent owner, the result has generally been reduced improvement and delayed commercialization.
- A patent system that encourages innovation needs to encourage the diffusion of knowledge. Inventors are not working in isolation; they are affirmatively seeking out knowledge of what others are doing in a field. The importance of cumulative innovation suggests that we need to make sure information is actually communicated between different workers building on related work."
This is a fascinating topic and one tow which I might contribute my own article when I retire from the Bar but now I have to return to the grind of advising on the construction of patent claims and whether patents can be invalidated for obviousness, insufficiency or some other defect in the specification. However, should anyone want to discuss these matters over a cup of tea I should be more than happy to hear from them. Call me on 0800 862 0055 or use my contact form.
Your IP professions appear to be structured differently from ours. The term "attorney" is pretty well extinct here except in the sense of "Attorney General" and - very recently - "patent attorney" which is interchangeable with the term "patent agent". Basically these professionals prosecute patent, design and trade mark applications, advise on IP law and have rights of audience and litigation in the IP office and in some circumstances the court. There is some debate as to whether they can really call themselves lawyers. They are certainly not barristers or solicitors. Indeed, until recently we had to choose between practising as patent counsel and patent agents.
Returning to Professor Lemley, he is certainly an "attorney" in the sense that he is a lawyer and he obviously practises and teaches IP law at one of your better known universities. I'll resist repeating the rather tiresome joke that British academics make about US tertiary universities - not by me by the way as I was at a US graduate school.
Maybe Prof. Lemley can't draft specifications but then does that really matter? The judges of our Patents Court never drafted specifications and neither do most of the advocates who are instructed by patent attorneys to appear before them. They are however very good at finding faults in specifications drawn up by patent agents.