Practice: UK Patent Office changes its Name, Logo and Website. Again!
What we had called the Patent Office for over 150 years has just got a new website, a new logo and even a new name. My first impression was that the new logo (sorry ādevice markā if It has been registered) looked like the flag of Barbados (see below). "Inspired" by the flag as one of my clients who was defending a passing off case once said. But having compared the two close by I think that the logo is an extraordinarily honest piece of work. The little blobs mu st be pound coins and the bigger blobs Ā£2 coins representing money going down the plughole. You see the similarity to the new logo? A good allegory of intellectual property perhaps. Or indeed the money spent on a new website not long after the last makeover and 18 months after the last quite unnecessary name change. According to Sean Dennehey : "A lot of work has gone into refreshing the website. We hope that businesses small and large, new and longstanding will find it much easier to get the i...