‘All You Are Ever Likely to Need to Know About Patents So long As You Stay In Manchester’
Manchester Law Society
Friends Meeting House
6 Mount Street
M2 5NS
Wednesday 15 Feb 2006
17:30 - 19:00
£50.00 + VAT for members £75.00 + VAT for others
Advanced Seminar: ‘All You Are Ever Likely to Need to Know About Patents So long As You Stay In Manchester’
I know this is a cheeky title for a talk to the eminent lawyers of our second city but it is one way to get an audience. I gave a similar talk to the same group a few years ago and they have invited me back.
This time I shall be trying something new. I have divided the talk into the four topics upon which I am most frequently consulted, namely:
o The best way of protecting a client’s investment in R & D;
o Disputes between joint inventors and others seeking rights in same invention;
o Infringement and revocation disputes;
o Commercialisation.
I will deal with each topic in a Socratic manner. For instance, on the best way to protect investment I will come up with three hypothetical new products or processes, two obvious and one border line (business method with excluded method but with enough to clear the obvious thresholds) and we will discuss.
Similarly, the discussion on infringement and revocation disputes will not be confined to CPR Part 63 and the Patents Court Guide (though they will indeed be covered) but will address choice of forum, funding and the Patent Office's new advisory opinions service.
I am pulling out all the stops for this one so you will get a really, really, good talk. Call Donna Brown on +44 (0161) 819 1927 or email her on DonnaBrown@manchesterlawsociety.org.uk to book your place.

6 Mount Street
M2 5NS
Wednesday 15 Feb 2006
17:30 - 19:00
£50.00 + VAT for members £75.00 + VAT for others
Advanced Seminar: ‘All You Are Ever Likely to Need to Know About Patents So long As You Stay In Manchester’
I know this is a cheeky title for a talk to the eminent lawyers of our second city but it is one way to get an audience. I gave a similar talk to the same group a few years ago and they have invited me back.
This time I shall be trying something new. I have divided the talk into the four topics upon which I am most frequently consulted, namely:
o The best way of protecting a client’s investment in R & D;
o Disputes between joint inventors and others seeking rights in same invention;
o Infringement and revocation disputes;
o Commercialisation.
I will deal with each topic in a Socratic manner. For instance, on the best way to protect investment I will come up with three hypothetical new products or processes, two obvious and one border line (business method with excluded method but with enough to clear the obvious thresholds) and we will discuss.
Similarly, the discussion on infringement and revocation disputes will not be confined to CPR Part 63 and the Patents Court Guide (though they will indeed be covered) but will address choice of forum, funding and the Patent Office's new advisory opinions service.
I am pulling out all the stops for this one so you will get a really, really, good talk. Call Donna Brown on +44 (0161) 819 1927 or email her on DonnaBrown@manchesterlawsociety.org.uk to book your place.