New Blogs: Securing Innovation

I am grateful to Stephen Nipper for drawing my attention to a new blog published by Inc called "Securing Innovation". He actually calls it an IP blog of note. The blog focuses on IP management and it has some interesting articles on the company's services. is actually a company I know a little since its UK arm is or at least was managed by my very good friend Dr. Ron Jones of Horizon Ceramics. It offers a number of services in this country including conferences and seminars on IP. I had the pleasure of speaking at one at Lancaster University last year. Its other services include searches, a secure document repository and a service called "defensive publication" which is probably more relevant to a first-to-invent regime like the USA than a first-to-file system like our own.

Ron's wife, Wei Huang, runs a very interesting consultancy called VTZ International which assists UK and other foreign businesses to sell to or invest in China. She actually represents nipc in that country as well as a leading Chongqing law firm in the UK.

I am not sure whether "Securing Innovation" will have any British or European content but even if it doesn't it provides some interesting insights into what is clearly a substantial and growing service industry in the USA.


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