US and European Patents Info on RSS

Updates from both the EPO (European Patent Office) and the USPTO (United States Patents and Trademarks Office) are now accessible through RSS Technology. For those who are not already familiar with the technology, RSS and XML (identifiable by little orange boxes on websites) summarize recent additions to a website and insert a link to the item in question. RSS is used on most blogs and many news websites including the BBC, The Independent, Guardian and New York Times as well as the WIPO (World intellectual Property Organization) and IPR-Helpdesk.

To take advantage of RSS and XML technology you will need a news aggregator. They are available from various sites. Many are free and most of those that are not cost only a few US dollars. My personal favourite is "Attensa for Outlook" which directs news items into one's Outlook e-mail program. A beta version of the program is available free of charge from

The USPTO feed is available not from the Office itself but from Rethink(IP), a collaboration between Messieurs Matthew Buchanan, Stephen Nipper and Douglas Sorocco. They have put together separate feeds for patent, trade mark and general news, the Official Gazette and Federal Register (US federal secondary legislation).

I am glad to say the EPO does its own feeds as does the WIPO.

Related Article:
"Public unware of RSS" Gavin Clarke Channel Register 24 Aug 2005


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