Making our Website more useful

I have spent much of yesterday and the whole of this morning of website maintenance ladies and gents. It's a horrible job only marginally better than preparing a quarterly VAT return. However, it has to be done.

We have always had a website ever since we opened in 1997. Unlike most other barristers' chambers we have used it to communicate information about intellectual property and technology law rather than replicate our chambers brochure. Lots of barristers claim expertise in intellectual property though as often as not those same barristers also claim expertise in many other areas of the law. We took the view that solicitors, patent and trade mark agents, foreign lawyers and other clients and potential clients could judge whether we actually do know what we are talking about if they could see some of our articles, case notes and presentations.

Just before Alex Khan and I left Kingsgate Chambers at the end of last year we had over 320 articles, case notes, PowerPoint presentations and other materials on our site, most of which we are trying slowly to transpose.

Some people appreciated this approach because we were shortlisted for "The Lawyer of the Year" multimedia award within a year of opening and attracted attention from all sorts of news media including the Washington post.

Anyway, I digress, today I have brought some of those articles back on line. I have put up a new "Industries and other activities page" which links to the old "Information and Communications Technologies", "E-Commerce" and "Dispute Resolution" pages.

This is a lot of work and I am primarily a barrister. I am usually dashing off getting or resisting injunctions, drafting contracts, advising in conference and that sort of thing. To help revive and keep this site and blog alive I have roped in some very bright students and ex-students from BPP Law School in Leeds. They should be coming on stream in the next few weeks. This is all part of a much bigger project to set up under the auspices of the BPP in Leeds and Manchester an IP Centre of Excellence in the North. There will be more on this later.


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