Seminar - IP for BM-all that a Bmedi@ member or its client needs to know about intellectual property at the outset
Anyone who practises in or near Bradford should come to hear Lucas Bateman, lately of Cobbetts, on 19 Jan 2006. Lucas is the bees knees
when it comes to advising start-up high tech companies. Two of his boys won top award at Venturefest last year and they were gracious enough to announce it in their acceptance speech. Also speaking will be patent agent Janet Bray and yours truly.
There will be all the wine and pizza you can consume just for £15 if you are a non-member of free if you join.
For further details contact Steph on 01274 841326 In case, you are wondering the picture above shows real bees' knees - according to the BBC anyway.

There will be all the wine and pizza you can consume just for £15 if you are a non-member of free if you join.
For further details contact Steph on 01274 841326 In case, you are wondering the picture above shows real bees' knees - according to the BBC anyway.