Electronic Commerce: Basic Information

I have updated and transposed the e-commerce basic information from the old IP/IT Update site. This began life as a handout for a talk that I gave in July 1999 to an organization called YIPOF (Yorkshire Intellectual Property Owners' Forum) started by my friend, Jonathan Armstrong, when he was at Keeble Hawson.

This article lists the basic issues of e-commerce law and introduces the responses at UN, European and national levels, that is to say the UNCITRAL e-commerce and electronic signature model laws, the e-commerce, electronic signature and distance selling directives, the RIPA and Electronic Communications Acts 2000 and the E-commerce Regulations.

I have now added the PowerPoint presentation and handout for a seminar that I did in 2002. It covers the e-commerce regulations plus data protection and domain names. The law has changed a bit since then but it is still worth reading. I am particularly proud of the domain name practical exercises which highlight the differences between the URDP and Nominet DRS. More e-commerce materials will be posted over the next few days.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for your mention John. All of this seems so long ago in technology law terms but I guess you deserve a hearty pat on the back to think how accurate the predictions made 8 years ago have turned out to be.

Best wishes,


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