IPCEX and Liverpool Inventors Club: Jeremy Phillips's Slides Available for Download

I have uploaded Jeremy Phillips's presentation "Five Live Issues in Intellectual Property Law" on to the IPCEX and Liverpool Inventors' Club websites.

I have also announced the next meeting of the Liverpool Inventors Club which will be a talk by me on how to plan for IPR enforcement. It is entitled "Crane, Paper, Scissors, Stone". That will take place at the Central Library in William George Street at 17:00 on 26 Feb 2007.

I have also given advance notice of the next IPCEX meeting which will be on protecting IPR in India on 18 Sep 2007. It will be very similar to the very successful seminar on protecting IPR in China last year. So far we have one good speaker, Ms Mallika Nair of Kirwans. Mallika learned her law in India and is well placed to advise UK firms that wish to invest in or sell to India.


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