IP Glossary: D


A remedy for infringing an IPR. Compensation for the loss or damage arising from the infringement.

Database Directive

Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases

Database Right

An IPR. The right to prevent unauthorized extraction and reutilizaton of the contents of a database.

Delivery up

The surrender of infringing items or evidence.


Used in several senses in IP law.  (1)  The object of registered design or design right protection. (2) The look or feel or some other aspect of appearance of a product. (3) The shape or configuration of an article. (4) The laws that protect industrial designs.

Design Right

An IPR. The right to enforce a right in an unregistered design.


EU legislation. An instruction to member states to bring their laws into line with its provisions by a specified date.


A patent application that is split off from an earlier application to claim protection for matter that was previously disclosed but no longer or possibly not claimed in the earlier application (sss art 76 (1) of the European Patent Convention).

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